Tanvir N
Ataraxia, 2021 // Unexhibited
Materials : Recycled Wood, Iron, Cotton, UV paint, LED strips & UV Tube
Size : 515 cm x 515cm
#FunctionalArt #KineticArt
Nowhere is transience so viscerally felt as in the circuits of cognition, in the channels through which one's thoughts traverse, with blithering haste . Every thought, unsettling and displacing a battalion of others, opens up to palatial worlds of references, sets down our roots in the soil, elevates us to the loftiest planes of perception - all the while bolting on a rapturous expedition in the synapses.
Enmeshed together here in the form of a breathing web of delicate strings, an echo of the obstinate impermanence of our thoughts and consequently, our experiences, rings clear. The ticking of the clock- emblematic of our banal idea of the passage of time- and the swift defying of that linearity by the thoughts that pass through us form a striking contrast.
A playful juxtaposing of things within the limits of temporality and things beyond; a race between different infinities. The work urges one to remain cognizant of these contrasting momenta that punctuate our lives. In hues of rattling purple, galvanizing green and cardinal crimson, this cartography of cognition animates and exhilarates, as vectors of sheer sentience.