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Apparition is an interactive art installation exhibited at Utopian Dystopia, 2022 held at Kerala, India.


What is reality?

We live in a shared reality, defined by our collective lives and livelihoods, struggles and aspirations, faiths and doubts, dreams and fears, growth and decay. We have come a long way from fearing clouds and stars, to exploring the depths of the cosmos. But the more we learn, the more we question the fabric of our lives. The answers we find breed more questions, the puzzles we solve create more mazes, we create our own illusions and strive to break free from them.

The reality we define for ourselves is shaped by our sensory and neural systems, after processing in our own unique ways, a wide range of inputs that we consume every moment. A shared reality, in essence, is an amalgam of perceptions, an ever evolving sculpture, molded and remolded by infinite variables. From this chaos of information, we scramble to grasp the roots, to attribute meanings, to find insights and derive truths.

But are the answers we derive absolute? Are the truths we believe immutable? Or are the prophecies we trust, mere illusions of our mortal shell? We trust our senses, our ingrained neural network to guide us and show us the light.

Utopia is defined as a perfect state of life, where all members of the shared reality exist in bliss, thriving in an ideal community of shared living, love and harmony. A society where every corner blooms with colors, and every mind nourished with serenity and unbounded fields of wisdom.

Dystopia is a stark contrast where collapse is the reality and decay is omnipresent. Devoid of colors and hues, where the shades of black encompass all thriving members. A community festering with fear, doubt and hatred, where the division bells ring loud and unscalable walls divide innocent minds.

Are we thriving in an Utopia? Or are we sinking in a Dystopia? Or are these merely two sides of the shared reality we all live in?

The reality we believe in, is our own individualistic imagery of the chaos we are submerged in. Each mind perceives the chaos in unique ways. Innumerable realities coexisting in a fabric of cohesive universe. The world we live in, the reality we trust in, the dreams we pursue and the nightmares we run from, are all coexisting in a construct of our senses, a castle of glass built from billion fluttering butterfly wings.

The utopia we dream of, can be the dystopia someone fears. One man's trash, another man's treasure. What's normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly. When it rains, mushrooms bloom.
Imagine perceptions blending. Perceive realities germinating. Live the Utopian Dystopia.

An experiential art installation is a type of interactive artwork that involves the audience in the creative process. The installation might use sensors or other technology to track the movements of the audience, and then use that information to generate abstract shapes or patterns in response. The goal of this type of installation is to create a sense of interaction and participation, transforming the audience from passive observers to active cocreators of the artwork.

The result is a dynamic and immersive environment that encourages the audience to explore and interact with the installation in new and creative ways.

Experiential art installations offers a unique and engaging way for audiences to engage with art, fostering a sense of participation and collaboration that is often missing from more traditional forms of visual art. By transforming the audience from passive observers to active participants, these installations can create a more dynamic and immersive art experience that encourages creativity and exploration.

"Apparition" is an experiential art installation focused on creating audiovisual experiences & transforming spaces by exploring facets of interactions between sound, visuals & human emotions.

It reacts to your movements creating shapes and a sense of interaction with abstract elements thereby transforming the audience from passive to active participators in co-creating the artwork.

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